Topbillede Lejere

Find information about termination and subletting 

Do you wish to terminate your accommodation?

Find your termination warning, termination forms, yes the whole procedure by clicking the button below. 

Terminate your accommodation
Topbillede Opsigelse

Do you wish to sublet your accommodation?

Find rules for subletting, sublet-applicationform as well as link to a contract template by clicking the button below. 

Topbillede Fremleje

FAQ for tenants

"Who am suppose to pay rent to?"?
"Can I appy for rent subsidy?"
"How long can I keep my accommodation after my studies have ended?"

There are naturally many questions regarding moving in to an youth accommodation, and we have noted the freequently asked questions, and answers in our FAQ for tenants below. 

FAQ for tenants
FAQ Top Billede

Important information for you as a future tenant

It is very important that you get a home insurance, when you move into your own accommodation. A home insurance gives you compensation if things gets stolen from your locked accommodation, or if your belongings gets damaged due to fire, vandalism, water damage and much more. Even if you do not think, you have a lot of belongings of much value, it will automaticcaly add up anyway. Damages due to e.g. water damage or fire, can run up in sky-high amounts, and certainly if you are to cover the damages yourself. 

The minimum-rent for applying for rent subsidy is 2.283 DKK (valid for 2024) and the accommodation must have its own kitchen (and drain).

You can read about the terms of applying and getting rent subsidy, as well as make an guided calculation of how much, you perhaps could get, by following this link: Boligstøtte (

Rent subsidy must be applied for no later than 30 days you have moved in, if you wish to get it retrospective.

What is a loan for an 'indskud'?
The special deposit-type called 'indskud' is according to 2% of the amount of the propertys construction cost. It is possible to apply for the loan for the 'indskud' at Aalborg Kommune. If granted, the loan will be rent- and interestfree for 5 years. One of the demands for applying for an 'indskud' is that the accommodation must have its own kitchen and drain.

When can I apply for the loan?
No later than 4 weeks after moving in, you will be able to apply for the loan. The opportunity expires after the 4 weeks.

No later than 5 days after moving into your new accommodation, you must register your change in address here: Anmeld flytning til folkeregistret (

The soonest you can register your address change is 4 weeks before moving in.
